Tuesday 7 November 2017

Thriller film titles analysis

Thriller film titles analysis


The title for the film Seven, is white and on a black background. These two colours contrast together very well and therefore make it stand out very much, this draws the attention of it to the title. The title itself is quite bold, but it also looks as though it has been drawn with a marker due to it having some parts of the letters missing. This makes it seem quite eerie (which is good for thrillers) as markers and similar objects are usually associated with innocent things like children colouring. This is eerie as the thriller genre and children are binary opposites to each other making it seem very unnatural. There is also an after image behind the main title which makes it seem to stand out even more as it is more interesting. The use of the 7 in place of the "V" also makes it more memorable due to the fact that it also links to the title. The current title for our film is Sharpie, we are currently planning to make it look like it was drawn with a sharpie pen for the same reason as the Seven title (to make it look more interesting and relate it to the title).


The title for for Force is very bold, this makes it look quite appealing and eye-catching. Despite this, the main colour does not contrast very well to the background; they are both different shades of grey, it is distinguishable but could be done more effectively. However, the part where the title excels in is the use of blood splattered across it; blood is a key convention of thriller and establishes Force as not straying too far from the stereotypical thriller. It does also contrast with the grey which makes the title stand out more. The background looks as though it is set against a wall in a dark alleyway which connotes danger - also a key paradigm of thriller films.

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