Monday 20 November 2017

Sharpie - Fonts and titles

Fonts and titles

The main font we want to use for our titles is Biro. This is because it looks as though it has been hand written which fits with the idea that Sharpie uses a marker to draw on his victims. This creates an eerie atmosphere for the viewer as it could feel as though Sharpie himself has written them, making the character seem even more realistic, giving the viewer a sense of urgency as they will understand the protagonist's situation slightly better.
The titles will mainly consist of basic trailer conventions such as: main title towards the end, a release date to notify the viewer when the film is being released, the name of the production company, list of cast, positive reviews from (popular) reviewers to show that the film is entertaining, things like: "from the creators of" to show that we are established as a film production company.

The final design for our title went through many different iterations. We decided to use a Strawpoll (an online website that allows you to create polls and send the link to others so that they can vote) to decide which of the four designs was the best, i the end the second one won 80% of the votes, with the fourth winning 20%.

We feel that the second option was the most popular as it is similar to the others but is the most blurred. The fact that it is blurred makes it seem quit eerie and potentially paranormal which puts the viewer on edge and denotes the film as being weird (which is suitable for a psychological thriller) as a result of the abnormality of it.

Even though option two was the most popular, we may make slight changes to it. One recommendation was to make it look slightly disorientated - with the letters misaligned. When this and the fact that the title is a reference to the antagonist's name is taken into account, this has connotations to the antagonist's mental state; he is somewhat deranged.

The title takes most of its inspiration from the title of the film Se7en. The title is white and features parts of it missing, with a more blurred out version in the background. We took the idea of the missing parts and used them for our film by: smudging the edges as though to represent the smudging of someone's handwriting. We also liked the blurry copy in the background due to it looking quite sinister, and we felt that because the title is the name of the main antagonist, it reflected his character further.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jak, I like the idea of handwriting, could you make it more sinister in style, perhaps smudged or more scrawl-like - perhaps suggesting the deranged nature of the character? Sir
