Wednesday 22 November 2017

Sharpie - Script


News reader: Horrific scenes unfolded last night at the local secondary school and sixth form, as one person was killed in a horrific accident. The police have refused to comment at this time.
*voice fades out, cuts to night before, in pub. Lee has his arm around Stacey, Damion is sitting next to Kelly*
Damion: Hey does anyone want another drink?
Lee: Nah mate I’ll get mine, but thanks
Stacey: Not at the moment thanks Damion
Kelly: Can I have another cider babe?
*cuts to them outside, walking past the school, laughing. Sharpie is obscured in the background, watching them*
Kelly: Ugh, I’m trying to call us a taxi but there’s no signal.
Stacey: Yeah I can’t get any signal either.
Lee: Yo, do you remember going here?
Damion: Haha oh god I do.
*cuts to shot of them breaking the door open*
*shot briefly flashes on screen of sharpie following them in, then locking multiple doors around the school*
Stacey: Oh my god, it’s been ages since we’ve been here.
Damion: I know right!
Sharpie: It’s been too long.
*fast paced montage of people in school, scared of sharpie*
*titles on screen*

End of Trailer

*May change*

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