Wednesday 15 November 2017

Sharpie - USP

Unique selling point

The USP for our film is that the antagonist kidnaps three of the protagonists leaving just one. The viewer would assume that these characters are dead, but the news report at the beginning of the trailer states that only one person died. The antagonist also dresses in all black which uses the enigma effect to make him seem a lot more eerie and potentially dangerous. This leaves the viewer with a number of questions at the end of the trailer, and would hopefully persuade them to view the film to find out the answers to these questions. These questions and this idea gives the trailer a psychological thriller feel to it whilst also feeling somewhat like a crime thriller as the viewer is the one trying to figure what is happening instead of characters in the film. This may attract a much broader audience (those who enjoy different types of thrillers - both psychological and crime, potentially more) as there is a feeling of mystery and unease, as well as a lot of tension.

This USP takes some inspiration from the plot of The Snowman. The Snowman relies heavily on the use of the enigma effect where the viewer is not aware of what the character looks like but is aware of their presence. This is similar to ours in the fact that there is someone dangerous around, but in our case, the viewer has (somewhat of) an idea of what the killer looks like, and the viewer is aware someone is going to die. But also with our film, only one person dies, so it relies less on the enigma effect and more on suspense and creating questions for the viewer (they are wondering who the one person who died was).

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