Wednesday 8 November 2017

Sharpie pitch powerpoint (Brief notes)

Sharpie pitch powerpoint

The title for our film is Sharpie. This is because the word sharp has connotations of stabbing and sharp objects. We are also using our logo from our previous project as it is established as a film production company.
The narrative of our film takes a lot of motivation from The Snowman; the killers are both targeting a specific group/individual and leave a mark once they have done something.
As our characters are based on stereotypical teenagers/young adults we have them wearing clothes that their demographic would be expected to wear, to make them more realistic.
The props we use are also very stereotypical of a thriller, the weapons are typically used by the killer, whilst the alcohol and phones are commonly associated with teens/young adults.
While our film is a thriller, it relies on both the enigma effect  (so the audience doesn't know who the main antagonist is) and a lot of tension where the audience doesn't know what happens to the characters.
We want to build up the tension gradually throughout the trailer, this is to set a narrative at the start and show what happens later.

Our target audience is young adults who enjoy thrills, and it may appeal to a more British audience through the characters speaking with a British accent and the British settings.
The settings start off very normal with a pub and walking down the street. It then transfers to a school at night which creates a bizarre mood as the two are not associated with each other. This could unnerve the audience which will make them more fearful of Sharpie.
We want to be able to use a lot of interesting shots for establishing the scene (tracking/bird's eye) and portraying the emotions (close-up and first person)
A lot of the conventions in thriller films are there to make the viewer feel on edge such as; fast pace, a cliff-hanger, intense themes. The conventions of trailers are there to give the viewer information in the form of: titles, release date, stereotypical characters, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Jak, keep uploading your planning regularly. Sir
