Tuesday 28 November 2017

Analysis of V for Vendetta trailer (Thriller)

Analysis of V for Vendetta trailer

00:00-00:06: Age classification for the film shown
00:07-00:13: Close-up of woman, "I wish I wasn't afraid of everything all the time ... but I am", fade to black (ftb)
00:14: (Possibly) Soldiers marching in unison wearing high boots (Short montage)
00:15: Clip of man giving speech with hand in air
00:16: People rallying around man, ftb
00:17: Black screen
00:18-00:20: Clip of wall with shadow on, and someone wearing black walking past
00:20-00:22: Black screen, "People should not be afraid of their Government"
00:23: Man walks out from room, close-up on his boots and cape
00:24-00:26: Shot of something with explosives attached, "The Government should be afraid of its people"
00:27: Close-up of gloved hand holding detonator
00:28: Black screen
00:29: Explosion at spire of building
00:30: Explosion at bottom of building
00:30-00:31: Whole building explodes, fire-works go off from explosion, over shoulder perspective from woman
00:32: Warner Bros Production over red/black cloudy background
00:33: Virtual Studios
00:33: Mertico DC Comics
00:34: Silver productions
00:35: Close up of older man hunched over giving speech, "Those caught in violation of...
00:36: Shot of siren and Big Ben in background, "...curfew..."
00:37-00:38: Shot of siren in same position but in dark street "..will be prosecuted without..."
00:39-00:40: Mid shot of woman in dark alley looking scared and looking around, "...leniency or exception"
00:40: Woman is caught by man in suit
00:41: Long shot of man and woman, "It's past curfew"
00:42: Man pulls out badge with symbol similar to colours at speech
00:43: Long shot of men trying to grab woman, "Help please!"
00:44: Knife appears from left of screen, held by gloved hand
00:45-00:47: Close up on man wearing weird mask who slowly lifts head up
00:48: Mid shot of masked man (MM) spinning knife around
00:49: Mid shot of man pulling out gun, and gunshot
00:50-00:51: Clip of man with gun being kicked by MM into wall
00:51-00:55: Short montage of MM fighting other man with a knife who ends up being grabbed by the throat and thrown against a wall
00:56: Man whimpering "Have mercy"
00:57: Close up of MM, "Oh, not tonight"
00:58-00:59: Mid shot of MM throwing knife which is followed to the other men
1:00: Two men shown laying on floor
1:01: Woman sat on floor, "Who are you?"
1:02: MM flings cape around and ftb
1:03-1:04: Info and red image of mask on left
1:05: First person POV of man putting on mask
1:06: Shot of man putting on mask
1:07-1:10: Meeting involving a group of roughly five people around a screen with the older man from before, on the screen saying, "Gentlemen I want this terrorist found, and I want him to know the meaning of terror" (Continued from 1:05)
1:10: Shot of soldiers with guns storming a building
1:10-1:12: "From the creators of..." text and mask on right
1:12: Man sitting in chair, "We're working on several leads"
1:13-1:14: Police knocking down door
1:14: Woman running through crowd
1:15: Shot of man and woman on computer screen, "Her parents were detained..."
1:16: Shot of baton, "...when she was 12"
1:16: Older man hitting man tied up with baton
1:17: Young girl waking up in bed
1:17: Bloody body seen and woman held on floor with bag being put over her head
1:18-1:19: Woman from start shown saying "It was like those black bags erased them from the face of the earth"
1:19: Young girl shown hiding under bed
1:20: Young girl screams "Mummy" and soldier shines light under bed
1:21-1:22: Cut back to woman who flinches
1:23: Black screen, man says "You have one chance..."
1:24: Clip of girl with no hair and prison outfit (PG) shown huddled in middle of empty room, "...you must tell us the whereabouts..."
1:25-1:26: MM jumps from building and lands on other roof, "...of Codename: V"
1:27-1:29: Big Ben striking 12
1:30-1:32: Scientists in a lab with soldiers behind shown, followed by liquid with blood being injected into it, "If our own Government is responsible for the deaths of..."
1:32: Children running out of school, "...100,000 people"
1:33: Clip of man and woman holding hands, followed by someone falling to knees
1:33-1:34: Man saying "Do you really want to know?" ftb
1:34-1:37: Mid shot of PG crying, followed by a mid shot of MM holding her
1:38: Close up of MM saying "Those who are held responsible will be held accountable"
1:39: Shot of building in thunder storm
1:40-1:42: Bird's eye view of PG stood looking up at rain, older man says "The time has come for you to..."
1:42: Mid shot of PG crying and holding arms out in rain, "...live without fear"
1:43: Long shot of PG, and lightning strike
1:44: Close up of PG saying "I'm ready"
1:45: Shot of MM loading guns
1:46: Explosion
1:46: Woman pepper spraying a man
1:47: Man on screen, "This country stands on the edge..."
1:48: Shot of MM throwing knives, "...on the edge of oblivion"
1:49: Explosion, followed by two scientists coughing and stumbling around the flames
1:49: MM punching a businessman
1:50: Someone slicing sign, older man saying "I want everyone..."
1:51: Man on screen again, "...to remember..."
1:51: PG pulling lever, "...why..."
1:52: Explosion, "...they..."
1:52: Close up of MM, "...need..."
1:53: Shot of army marching, "...us"
1:54: Shot of gun
1:55: MM surrounded by soldiers, commander says "Kill 'im"
1:56-1:57: Flashes of white
1:57:MM loading gun
1:58: Close up of MM saying "My turn"
1:59-2:02: MM flashing knives and throwing them past soldiers, at commander
2:03: Someone pushing down dominoes, music builds to crescendo
2:03-2:04: Woman falls from window and zooms out
2:05: Another shot of dominoes
2:05: Further out shot of dominoes reveals even more
2:06: Shot from inside of gun, aimed at MM's head
2:07: Even more dominoes fall over
2:07-2:08:Statue of children holding hands with two men walking behind it, "I suddenly have this feeling..."
2:09: More dominoes
2:10:Men covering something, "...that everything..."
2:11: MM and PG holding each other's faces, "...was connected"
2:11: Dominoes
2:12: Shot of hundreds of soldiers aimed at group of people wearing black
2:13: Bird's eye view of dominoes begin to reveal red "V" with black background and red outline
2:14: People wearing black march forward
2:15: Dominoes finish falling
2:16: Explosion with fireworks (Possibly from beginning)
2:17: Close up of man saying "Are we ready for it?"
2:18: Close up of MM's torso which zooms towards his face
2:19: More fireworks
2:20-2:20: Logo and title - Ring of fire with a V on fire inside of it, and the title fading in with a fiery texture to it (darker than the logo)
2:22: Close up on knives
2:23-2:24: Camera zooms up to reveal man in dark clothes with a beard and glasses, "The only *something* is vengeance" (Difficult to hear over knife noises)
2:25: Release date
2:26-2:28: Important company/cast info, ftb
2:28-2:30: Black screen
2:30: End

1 comment:

  1. Very detailed breakdown of the trailer Jak - well done. Remember to add screen grabs and connotations. Sir
