Friday 10 November 2017

Sharpie pitch feedback/comments

Sharpie pitch feedback/comments

Comments and changes:
One of the comments we received was how we were going to film the pub scene at the start, as many people may not want to be filmed and most of us are under the age of 18. To get around this, we may use drinks that look like alcohol to give the impression. Fortunately someone in the class works at the pub and Mrs Bobbett is friends with the owner which will make it easier to enter the pub. To avoid filming random people, we will likely film in the corner of the pub so that people aren't in the shots.

Another comment was concerning the use of (fake) weapons in the school as it could raise concerns about the safety of others, and could get us in trouble if caught. To get around this we will film at night/in the evening when there are few people around, and we will also notify the necessary people so that they are aware. Furthermore, we will avoid the emphasis on the weapons, this is to draw the attention to the antagonist and make him seem more threatening.

Finally, we were told to think about our use of special effects if we decide to use them. It was to make sure there is a reason for the use of them, otherwise the trailer could end up looking quite messy. One of the uses we may use is filters at points to make the scene brighter/darker to create a different atmosphere depending on what is required e.g. making it darker in the school to make it seem more tense.

1 comment:

  1. well done Jak, a clear write up of the feedback from your pitch. Sir
