Wednesday 29 November 2017

Group member leaving

Group member leaving

Unfortunately, towards the start of the production of the trailer, our group member Josh decided to leave which meant that we were down a person, leaving just Adam and myself.

We were planning on using Josh's camera to shoot focus pull shots, allowing for a more suspenseful atmosphere. However, as a result we are no longer able to do this. It also means that Adam and I will need to put in more work to get the product finished, which should be fine. While we were all planning on doing small parts throughout the production, Josh's primary role was editing, meaning Adam and I will need to put more time into that.

Tuesday 28 November 2017

Sharpie - Media theories

Media theories

Roland Barthes' theory of enigma codes:
The use of enigma codes is very important for our film; it relies on it to make the main antagonist seem even more disturbing. The theory refers to the fact that not everything is known about something/someone, or there are some things that are unclear. We are using this theory in relation to our main antagonist, the viewer doesn't know who he is, why he is stalking the group, etc. The Snowman is another film that relies heavily on this, the viewer has no idea of who the killer is, besides the fact that he leaves notes relating to snowmen when he has committed a crime.

Todorov's theory of equilibrium:
Todorov's theory states that a film will start peaceful (in equilibrium), there will then be a conflict which disrupts this, followed by the recognition and solution which turns the narrative back to equilibrium. As we are making a trailer, the last two do not apply as, it would give too much of the story away. If a trailer gave away the entire plot of a film (or any media product) then there would be no point in the audience consuming the product as they already know. The trailer does however start in equilibrium with the protagonists drinking together, they then decide to break into the school, unaware of Sharpie (the conflict), and then face many problems as a result. This is not very conventional for thriller films as they usually show the conflict first, this is why we decided to use a news report at the start explaining the situation.

Laura Mulvey's theory of male gaze:
This theory states that females are just a tool in film and are used to give male's more character. An example of where this theory is rejected is in The Last House on the Left where the mother defends herself and her husband from an attacker who assaulted their daughter. It could be argues that The Last House on the Left is more of a horror film, but it also has elements/paradigms of the thriller genre. In our film, we want males and females to be represented as equals which is why we have an even split of male and female protagonists - with the antagonist's gender remaining unspecified but connoted as being male due to the dark clothes and more masculine build.

Hypodermic needle/Cultivation theory:
The use of the hypodermic needle theory isn't immediately obvious, it involves the product "injecting" ideas and messages into the audience. Sometimes however, these ideas can be wrong which links to the cultivation theory where (wrong) ideas can grow and alter people's perception of a demographic and build (negative) stereotypes. We want to use these theories to show that both genders are equal and can both handle themselves (this may however not work as well as planned, as one character is said to die at the start of the trailer).

Stuart Hall's audience perception theory:
Stuart Hall is a well-known cultural theorist and is responsible for the perception theory which states that depending on a person's cultural upbringing and exposure to certain demographics, they will perceive a product differently than others - it includes a preferred, negotiated and oppositional reading. This is highly prevalent in the film V for Vendetta as the main character is somewhat controversial. The preferred reading could be that he is perceived as a freedom fighter, this would mean that the oppositional reading is that he is a terrorist/criminal as a result of his exaggerated means of expression (blowing stuff up and wearing a Guy Fawkes mask). The negotiated reading would be somewhere between the two - the audience perceives him as a freedom fighter but thinks he goes too far with his means of showing it. As our characters are stereotypical young adults/teens the negotiated reading of the viewer feeling sorry for them would likely be shared by those with similar psychographics to the characters, and those who are binary opposites may feel joy or boredom in the fact that they are in the situation.

Propp's narrative theory:
Propp's theory states that the role of the characters can be determined through the narrative of a product. The role of our protagonists isn't immediately obvious due to how stereotypical they are. However, the role of the antagonist is shown clearly as they demonstrate key features of a criminal in films; stalking his victims, unnoticed until he decides to try and do something to them.

Levi Strauss' theory of binary opposition:
This theory states that the meaning behind a narrative revolves two opposite objects/ideas/psychographics. This is established in almost every film, an example being The Dark Knight where The Joker is the antagonist and is not serious but very deadly, whereas Batman is the protagonist and is very serious and doesn't kill. In our film, the idea behind the antagonist's name comes from this theory; it relates to the fact that they use sharp objects and also that they draw on/around people (with a Sharpie marker). As a result, we felt it would be appropriate to call him Sharpie. The protagonists and antagonists are also binary oppositions, the protagonists are loud (somewhat obnoxious) young adults and Sharpie only says about 1 line.

Analysis of V for Vendetta trailer (Thriller)

Analysis of V for Vendetta trailer

00:00-00:06: Age classification for the film shown
00:07-00:13: Close-up of woman, "I wish I wasn't afraid of everything all the time ... but I am", fade to black (ftb)
00:14: (Possibly) Soldiers marching in unison wearing high boots (Short montage)
00:15: Clip of man giving speech with hand in air
00:16: People rallying around man, ftb
00:17: Black screen
00:18-00:20: Clip of wall with shadow on, and someone wearing black walking past
00:20-00:22: Black screen, "People should not be afraid of their Government"
00:23: Man walks out from room, close-up on his boots and cape
00:24-00:26: Shot of something with explosives attached, "The Government should be afraid of its people"
00:27: Close-up of gloved hand holding detonator
00:28: Black screen
00:29: Explosion at spire of building
00:30: Explosion at bottom of building
00:30-00:31: Whole building explodes, fire-works go off from explosion, over shoulder perspective from woman
00:32: Warner Bros Production over red/black cloudy background
00:33: Virtual Studios
00:33: Mertico DC Comics
00:34: Silver productions
00:35: Close up of older man hunched over giving speech, "Those caught in violation of...
00:36: Shot of siren and Big Ben in background, "...curfew..."
00:37-00:38: Shot of siren in same position but in dark street "..will be prosecuted without..."
00:39-00:40: Mid shot of woman in dark alley looking scared and looking around, "...leniency or exception"
00:40: Woman is caught by man in suit
00:41: Long shot of man and woman, "It's past curfew"
00:42: Man pulls out badge with symbol similar to colours at speech
00:43: Long shot of men trying to grab woman, "Help please!"
00:44: Knife appears from left of screen, held by gloved hand
00:45-00:47: Close up on man wearing weird mask who slowly lifts head up
00:48: Mid shot of masked man (MM) spinning knife around
00:49: Mid shot of man pulling out gun, and gunshot
00:50-00:51: Clip of man with gun being kicked by MM into wall
00:51-00:55: Short montage of MM fighting other man with a knife who ends up being grabbed by the throat and thrown against a wall
00:56: Man whimpering "Have mercy"
00:57: Close up of MM, "Oh, not tonight"
00:58-00:59: Mid shot of MM throwing knife which is followed to the other men
1:00: Two men shown laying on floor
1:01: Woman sat on floor, "Who are you?"
1:02: MM flings cape around and ftb
1:03-1:04: Info and red image of mask on left
1:05: First person POV of man putting on mask
1:06: Shot of man putting on mask
1:07-1:10: Meeting involving a group of roughly five people around a screen with the older man from before, on the screen saying, "Gentlemen I want this terrorist found, and I want him to know the meaning of terror" (Continued from 1:05)
1:10: Shot of soldiers with guns storming a building
1:10-1:12: "From the creators of..." text and mask on right
1:12: Man sitting in chair, "We're working on several leads"
1:13-1:14: Police knocking down door
1:14: Woman running through crowd
1:15: Shot of man and woman on computer screen, "Her parents were detained..."
1:16: Shot of baton, "...when she was 12"
1:16: Older man hitting man tied up with baton
1:17: Young girl waking up in bed
1:17: Bloody body seen and woman held on floor with bag being put over her head
1:18-1:19: Woman from start shown saying "It was like those black bags erased them from the face of the earth"
1:19: Young girl shown hiding under bed
1:20: Young girl screams "Mummy" and soldier shines light under bed
1:21-1:22: Cut back to woman who flinches
1:23: Black screen, man says "You have one chance..."
1:24: Clip of girl with no hair and prison outfit (PG) shown huddled in middle of empty room, " must tell us the whereabouts..."
1:25-1:26: MM jumps from building and lands on other roof, "...of Codename: V"
1:27-1:29: Big Ben striking 12
1:30-1:32: Scientists in a lab with soldiers behind shown, followed by liquid with blood being injected into it, "If our own Government is responsible for the deaths of..."
1:32: Children running out of school, "...100,000 people"
1:33: Clip of man and woman holding hands, followed by someone falling to knees
1:33-1:34: Man saying "Do you really want to know?" ftb
1:34-1:37: Mid shot of PG crying, followed by a mid shot of MM holding her
1:38: Close up of MM saying "Those who are held responsible will be held accountable"
1:39: Shot of building in thunder storm
1:40-1:42: Bird's eye view of PG stood looking up at rain, older man says "The time has come for you to..."
1:42: Mid shot of PG crying and holding arms out in rain, " without fear"
1:43: Long shot of PG, and lightning strike
1:44: Close up of PG saying "I'm ready"
1:45: Shot of MM loading guns
1:46: Explosion
1:46: Woman pepper spraying a man
1:47: Man on screen, "This country stands on the edge..."
1:48: Shot of MM throwing knives, "...on the edge of oblivion"
1:49: Explosion, followed by two scientists coughing and stumbling around the flames
1:49: MM punching a businessman
1:50: Someone slicing sign, older man saying "I want everyone..."
1:51: Man on screen again, " remember..."
1:51: PG pulling lever, "...why..."
1:52: Explosion, "...they..."
1:52: Close up of MM, "...need..."
1:53: Shot of army marching, ""
1:54: Shot of gun
1:55: MM surrounded by soldiers, commander says "Kill 'im"
1:56-1:57: Flashes of white
1:57:MM loading gun
1:58: Close up of MM saying "My turn"
1:59-2:02: MM flashing knives and throwing them past soldiers, at commander
2:03: Someone pushing down dominoes, music builds to crescendo
2:03-2:04: Woman falls from window and zooms out
2:05: Another shot of dominoes
2:05: Further out shot of dominoes reveals even more
2:06: Shot from inside of gun, aimed at MM's head
2:07: Even more dominoes fall over
2:07-2:08:Statue of children holding hands with two men walking behind it, "I suddenly have this feeling..."
2:09: More dominoes
2:10:Men covering something, "...that everything..."
2:11: MM and PG holding each other's faces, "...was connected"
2:11: Dominoes
2:12: Shot of hundreds of soldiers aimed at group of people wearing black
2:13: Bird's eye view of dominoes begin to reveal red "V" with black background and red outline
2:14: People wearing black march forward
2:15: Dominoes finish falling
2:16: Explosion with fireworks (Possibly from beginning)
2:17: Close up of man saying "Are we ready for it?"
2:18: Close up of MM's torso which zooms towards his face
2:19: More fireworks
2:20-2:20: Logo and title - Ring of fire with a V on fire inside of it, and the title fading in with a fiery texture to it (darker than the logo)
2:22: Close up on knives
2:23-2:24: Camera zooms up to reveal man in dark clothes with a beard and glasses, "The only *something* is vengeance" (Difficult to hear over knife noises)
2:25: Release date
2:26-2:28: Important company/cast info, ftb
2:28-2:30: Black screen
2:30: End

Thursday 23 November 2017

Sharpie - Planning with social media

Planning with social media

We have used social media a lot to plan our film. Social media allows us to keep in touch with one another easily. This allows us to discuss various subjects such as: what we need to do, when/where we need to do it, what looks best, how can the quality be improved, etc.

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Sharpie - Script


News reader: Horrific scenes unfolded last night at the local secondary school and sixth form, as one person was killed in a horrific accident. The police have refused to comment at this time.
*voice fades out, cuts to night before, in pub. Lee has his arm around Stacey, Damion is sitting next to Kelly*
Damion: Hey does anyone want another drink?
Lee: Nah mate I’ll get mine, but thanks
Stacey: Not at the moment thanks Damion
Kelly: Can I have another cider babe?
*cuts to them outside, walking past the school, laughing. Sharpie is obscured in the background, watching them*
Kelly: Ugh, I’m trying to call us a taxi but there’s no signal.
Stacey: Yeah I can’t get any signal either.
Lee: Yo, do you remember going here?
Damion: Haha oh god I do.
*cuts to shot of them breaking the door open*
*shot briefly flashes on screen of sharpie following them in, then locking multiple doors around the school*
Stacey: Oh my god, it’s been ages since we’ve been here.
Damion: I know right!
Sharpie: It’s been too long.
*fast paced montage of people in school, scared of sharpie*
*titles on screen*

End of Trailer

*May change*

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Sharpie - Production company/Logo

Production company/logo

We were uncertain as to whether or not we were going to stick with our previous logo, but in the end we decided to go with a new one as our previous one had made teen angst films which are not very related to thrillers. We came up with a number of various designs based around one main idea and we decided as a group which one we should use.

Our logo is in a bright yellow font with a gradient effect added to it in order to make it look as though it is golden. This suggests high quality which is what we want our film to be and that may in turn attract an audience as Hollywood blockbusters tend to be of higher quality than British arthouse films and also have a much larger viewing (mass over niche). It also has a black background to contrast well with the gradient that makes it seem as though the logo is glowing. This makes it seem even bolder and eye-catching to the viewer which will make it more memorable. Another factor that may contribute to it being memorable is that the name is not an actual word. The lines on the said of the logo are there to fill the room, as it looks somewhat empty and quite boring without them - despite being such a little change. The font is also quite bold, increasing the fact that it is eye-catching. The logo takes inspiration from a lot of different company logos, some of these include: Warner Bros where the main feature colour is golden, Jac productions where the only colour is gold, the font is bold and the background is black to contrast effectively.

Sharpie - Storyboard


This is the storyboard for our trailer "Sharpie". It gives a brief overview of what will happen in the trailer and makes it easier for us to film as we know where/what we need to film and what we don't.

Sharpie - Target audience

Target audience

Our target audience is older teens/young adults who enjoy thrills. It is targeted at both genders equally, which is denoted through the use of an equal split of male/female cast members. However, the film may appeal to a more male demographic as a result of the thriller genre being more commonly targeted at them, which is achieved through a number of techniques including: a predominantly male cast (with females as side characters/victims), dark colours - in comparison to bright colours which are associated with femininity - etc. The film will likely also appeal to a working class demographic (as opposed to lower/upper class) as the main characters are stereotypical teenagers, making them easy to relate to.

Monday 20 November 2017

Sharpie - Fonts and titles

Fonts and titles

The main font we want to use for our titles is Biro. This is because it looks as though it has been hand written which fits with the idea that Sharpie uses a marker to draw on his victims. This creates an eerie atmosphere for the viewer as it could feel as though Sharpie himself has written them, making the character seem even more realistic, giving the viewer a sense of urgency as they will understand the protagonist's situation slightly better.
The titles will mainly consist of basic trailer conventions such as: main title towards the end, a release date to notify the viewer when the film is being released, the name of the production company, list of cast, positive reviews from (popular) reviewers to show that the film is entertaining, things like: "from the creators of" to show that we are established as a film production company.

The final design for our title went through many different iterations. We decided to use a Strawpoll (an online website that allows you to create polls and send the link to others so that they can vote) to decide which of the four designs was the best, i the end the second one won 80% of the votes, with the fourth winning 20%.

We feel that the second option was the most popular as it is similar to the others but is the most blurred. The fact that it is blurred makes it seem quit eerie and potentially paranormal which puts the viewer on edge and denotes the film as being weird (which is suitable for a psychological thriller) as a result of the abnormality of it.

Even though option two was the most popular, we may make slight changes to it. One recommendation was to make it look slightly disorientated - with the letters misaligned. When this and the fact that the title is a reference to the antagonist's name is taken into account, this has connotations to the antagonist's mental state; he is somewhat deranged.

The title takes most of its inspiration from the title of the film Se7en. The title is white and features parts of it missing, with a more blurred out version in the background. We took the idea of the missing parts and used them for our film by: smudging the edges as though to represent the smudging of someone's handwriting. We also liked the blurry copy in the background due to it looking quite sinister, and we felt that because the title is the name of the main antagonist, it reflected his character further.

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Sharpie - USP

Unique selling point

The USP for our film is that the antagonist kidnaps three of the protagonists leaving just one. The viewer would assume that these characters are dead, but the news report at the beginning of the trailer states that only one person died. The antagonist also dresses in all black which uses the enigma effect to make him seem a lot more eerie and potentially dangerous. This leaves the viewer with a number of questions at the end of the trailer, and would hopefully persuade them to view the film to find out the answers to these questions. These questions and this idea gives the trailer a psychological thriller feel to it whilst also feeling somewhat like a crime thriller as the viewer is the one trying to figure what is happening instead of characters in the film. This may attract a much broader audience (those who enjoy different types of thrillers - both psychological and crime, potentially more) as there is a feeling of mystery and unease, as well as a lot of tension.

This USP takes some inspiration from the plot of The Snowman. The Snowman relies heavily on the use of the enigma effect where the viewer is not aware of what the character looks like but is aware of their presence. This is similar to ours in the fact that there is someone dangerous around, but in our case, the viewer has (somewhat of) an idea of what the killer looks like, and the viewer is aware someone is going to die. But also with our film, only one person dies, so it relies less on the enigma effect and more on suspense and creating questions for the viewer (they are wondering who the one person who died was).

Sharpie - Title and connotations

Title and connotations

Our film is titles Sharpie. This is a reference to both the marker of the same name (which the antagonist uses to draw when he has attacked/killed someone) and the fact that weapons such as knives and axes (which our antagonist uses) are sharp. These two are binary opposites, this makes the title seem even more disturbing; markers tend to be associated with children and colouring - and therefore innocence - whilst weapons are related to death and destruction. These two together make the film title memorable and  somewhat punny which may attract our target audience of young adults as it may appeal to their sense of humour.

Sharpie - Risk assessment

Risk assessment

This is the risk assessment for our trailer, it gives a basic outline as to the various risks and hazards, as well as the severity of each of them and how it can be reduced. However, there aren't many risks as it is only a trailer. The most serious risk is the weapon as it can be the most dangerous and has a fairly high chance of happening. The darkness is not very dangerous as the worst thing that can happen is walking into something or tripping over which won't lead to major injuries.

Friday 10 November 2017

Sharpie pitch feedback/comments

Sharpie pitch feedback/comments

Comments and changes:
One of the comments we received was how we were going to film the pub scene at the start, as many people may not want to be filmed and most of us are under the age of 18. To get around this, we may use drinks that look like alcohol to give the impression. Fortunately someone in the class works at the pub and Mrs Bobbett is friends with the owner which will make it easier to enter the pub. To avoid filming random people, we will likely film in the corner of the pub so that people aren't in the shots.

Another comment was concerning the use of (fake) weapons in the school as it could raise concerns about the safety of others, and could get us in trouble if caught. To get around this we will film at night/in the evening when there are few people around, and we will also notify the necessary people so that they are aware. Furthermore, we will avoid the emphasis on the weapons, this is to draw the attention to the antagonist and make him seem more threatening.

Finally, we were told to think about our use of special effects if we decide to use them. It was to make sure there is a reason for the use of them, otherwise the trailer could end up looking quite messy. One of the uses we may use is filters at points to make the scene brighter/darker to create a different atmosphere depending on what is required e.g. making it darker in the school to make it seem more tense.

Sharpie pitch

Sharpie pitch

Comments and changes:
Permission to film in pub
Permission to bring (fake) weapons into school
What special effects?

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Thriller conventions

Thriller conventions

Sharpie pitch powerpoint (Brief notes)

Sharpie pitch powerpoint

The title for our film is Sharpie. This is because the word sharp has connotations of stabbing and sharp objects. We are also using our logo from our previous project as it is established as a film production company.
The narrative of our film takes a lot of motivation from The Snowman; the killers are both targeting a specific group/individual and leave a mark once they have done something.
As our characters are based on stereotypical teenagers/young adults we have them wearing clothes that their demographic would be expected to wear, to make them more realistic.
The props we use are also very stereotypical of a thriller, the weapons are typically used by the killer, whilst the alcohol and phones are commonly associated with teens/young adults.
While our film is a thriller, it relies on both the enigma effect  (so the audience doesn't know who the main antagonist is) and a lot of tension where the audience doesn't know what happens to the characters.
We want to build up the tension gradually throughout the trailer, this is to set a narrative at the start and show what happens later.

Our target audience is young adults who enjoy thrills, and it may appeal to a more British audience through the characters speaking with a British accent and the British settings.
The settings start off very normal with a pub and walking down the street. It then transfers to a school at night which creates a bizarre mood as the two are not associated with each other. This could unnerve the audience which will make them more fearful of Sharpie.
We want to be able to use a lot of interesting shots for establishing the scene (tracking/bird's eye) and portraying the emotions (close-up and first person)
A lot of the conventions in thriller films are there to make the viewer feel on edge such as; fast pace, a cliff-hanger, intense themes. The conventions of trailers are there to give the viewer information in the form of: titles, release date, stereotypical characters, etc.

Sharpie pitch script

Sharpie pitch script

Tuesday 7 November 2017

What makes us scared?

Thriller film titles analysis

Thriller film titles analysis


The title for the film Seven, is white and on a black background. These two colours contrast together very well and therefore make it stand out very much, this draws the attention of it to the title. The title itself is quite bold, but it also looks as though it has been drawn with a marker due to it having some parts of the letters missing. This makes it seem quite eerie (which is good for thrillers) as markers and similar objects are usually associated with innocent things like children colouring. This is eerie as the thriller genre and children are binary opposites to each other making it seem very unnatural. There is also an after image behind the main title which makes it seem to stand out even more as it is more interesting. The use of the 7 in place of the "V" also makes it more memorable due to the fact that it also links to the title. The current title for our film is Sharpie, we are currently planning to make it look like it was drawn with a sharpie pen for the same reason as the Seven title (to make it look more interesting and relate it to the title).


The title for for Force is very bold, this makes it look quite appealing and eye-catching. Despite this, the main colour does not contrast very well to the background; they are both different shades of grey, it is distinguishable but could be done more effectively. However, the part where the title excels in is the use of blood splattered across it; blood is a key convention of thriller and establishes Force as not straying too far from the stereotypical thriller. It does also contrast with the grey which makes the title stand out more. The background looks as though it is set against a wall in a dark alleyway which connotes danger - also a key paradigm of thriller films.

Monday 6 November 2017

Thriller trailer initial idea

Thriller trailer initial idea

The main idea for our film revolves around a group of young adults who go out drinking together, they then decide to break into a school unaware that they are being followed by the antagonist (Sharpie). Sharpie then blocks all of the exits and begins to follow the protagonists around the school. As the trailer progresses, each protagonist goes missing and is presumed dead. The viewer then finds out that Sharpie was only after the remaining protagonist, leaving the viewer wondering what happened to each of them.

Thursday 2 November 2017

Analysis of The Snowman trailer (Thriller)

Analysis of The Snowman trailer

The Snowman is a thriller film where the main narrative revolves around a killer who targets women, and leaves his mark (A snowman) after killing someone. The trailer is 2:23 minutes long and contains about 98 shots. It is most likely not in chronological order as the trailer begins with a woman being kidnapped which would be a weird start to a film.

There are 4/5 main characters with various other side characters, this allows for 2/3 narratives (based around the protagonists and the antagonist). There are also roughly 11 settings shown, these include: a city, a lake, a snowfield, a cabin, a mountain, a second cabin, a hotel, (what looks like) a museum, somewhere that is difficult to make out and a house.

Throughout the trailer, there is only one track that is repeated. It has an eerie voice and backing track to it which makes the atmosphere very suspenseful and puts the viewer on edge. Furthermore, at various points of the film, the music builds to a crescendo which makes it seem even more intense.

There are 6 titles which include: "Based on the terrifying best seller", "This October" (Release date), "The Snowman" (Title), "October" (Release date again), the name of their website and the two production.distribution companies. The fact that it is based on a book already, suggests that the story already has a following which will make it easier to attract its target demographic. The titles also use synergy; they are stylised to look as though they are frozen or cold, which keeps with the theme of snow/cold running throughout.

The film looks like it would have a 15 rating (due to the mature themes such as murder and kidnapping), but the age of the film's target audience would likely be young-mid adults. It may also be aimed at a British audience due to a majority of the actors speaking with a British accent.

A few of the camera shots used include: an extreme long shot of the mountain to show the scale of it. An extreme close-up of a victim's eye; the eye moves around a lot suggesting fear. An over-the-shoulder shot when the protagonist is talking to his (presumed) partner. A close-up of the main protagonist when the house explodes, the close-up on him shows that he is in distress and it could be assumed that maybe his partner or someone close was inside the house at the time.

Towards the end of the trailer, there is a long montage. This montage consists of clips from various characters, while the montage is very fast paced as a whole, the clips featuring the main protagonist are a lot faster than those featuring other characters - suggesting that he is involved in a lot of action. There is also a shot of (presumably) the main protagonist holding a cigarette while the background is blurred, connoting that he is tough and uncaring of people's opinion of him. The pace of the film starts off quite slow, but then speeds up a lot, this is likely to construct a narrative and then show some of the best parts of the film to show the audience that it is exciting.

The entire trailer is reliant on the enigma effect behind the antagonist, this helps to keep the viewer interested in it as they want to know more about the killer e.g. why he is doing it and who he is.