Friday 15 December 2017

First draft feedback

First draft feedback

Following the presentation of our first draft, we received some suggestions on how to improve our trailer, these include: using better music, faster shots, make it less chronological, don't use the scream at the end, don't use the report at the start and use inter-titles (e.g. Scariest night of your life).

We need to use faster shots in order to make it feel more like a trailer; at the moment a lot of our shots are too drawn out - especially towards the start -  which isn't suitable for a (thriller) trailer. The faster shots will also make it more exciting. This is also somewhat related to the fact that it is too chronological; it could give too much of the story away.

We were also told not to use the report at the start of the trailer, but instead to use it somewhere else. This is used in the trailer for The Snowman, the start is somewhat slow paced and follows a woman who presumably gets kidnapped, this is then followed by the news report.

In addition, we need to use music. We currently have a track that is used to build up tension by gradually increasing in volume. We did plan on using some music, but forgot to add it during editing.

Also, we were told to use inter-titles. The inter-titles could be used to draw interest to the film, one suggestion was to use something like "The scariest night of your life". They could also be used to provide information such as: release date (which we've done), reviews, etc.

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