Friday 8 December 2017

Changes to production company logo

Changes to production company logo

Originally our film company logo was this:

Initially, we wanted to have a scrunched up paper background but, most logos have a black background behind them, for example: MGM, Capital films, Touchstone films, etc. The white, scrunched up paper therefore, looked a bit out of place. We then thought about making the paper black, but it didn't resemble paper anymore, and made it look quite weird.

As our logo was a mixture of all of our names, following one of the members leaving we decided to change it again. We changed it to "Stak" (a mixture of Adam's last name and my first name). I personally prefer this to the older designs; the word "Stak" is very similar to existing words. This may cause people to think of our company when they see a word that resembles it, making it more popular. Also, the fact that it is not an actual word makes it unique for us and allows us to stand out more. We did keep the design, as we liked the idea of the old contrasting with the black however.

1 comment:

  1. Shows the progression of your ideas clearly and effectively explained. Well done Jak, keep up the good work! Sir
