Tuesday 5 September 2017

Analysis of Mean Girls poster (Teen Angst)

Analysis of Mean Girls poster

The main poster for the film Mean Girls features the main protagonist towards the left, alongside the "antagonists" to the right in the background. This can be implied without even watching the film as the main focus of any film is on the protagonist, and as one girl is stood in the foreground, the assumption that she is more important can be made. The girls in the back could be assumed to be sidekicks of the main character, however, I feel they are demonstrated more as antagonists (which they are) due to the fact that they are all wearing the same colour - unlike the main character - and are in poses stereotypical for the popular people in a school (trying to show off). They also look a lot more confident whereas the girl in the front looks somewhat concerned.

There is a predominant colour in the poster - pink. This works very effectively in attracting its target audience of teenage girls as teenage girls are stereotypically associated with this colour and similar ones. The girls in the background are also very stereotypical; they look as if they are showing off to the girl in the front (who is a counter-type of teenage girls) and are wearing clothes that are considered fashionable (at least at time of the film's release) whereas the girl in the front doesn't seem too bothered about what she wears.

The text is also effective at attracting an audience as it is also a colour representative of teenage girls. The title "Mean Girls" suggests that there will be conflict between each other, this is shown especially well with the boldness of the word "Mean". Towards the bottom of the page is a review "Awesome, Cool and Wicked-Good!", the fact that the review is positive will undoubtedly persuade people to watch, but the fact that it is so colloquial will encourage teenagers to watch it as they are stereotypically shown to be very informal.

The film also features Lindsay Lohan, who is a fairly popular actor. This will encourage people to watch the film as they will likely be familiar with her other pieces of work and will therefore be a fan of her, which may encourage them to watch it.

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