Friday 14 July 2017

My film magazine cover

My film magazine cover

The title of my magazine is "Your Film", this provides a clear idea that the magazine covers films. The use of the word "Your" also makes it seem more personal, as if it is addressing the viewer. "Your" is also on top of film and in a smaller font, this was to make it look more attractive, and the reason for it being smaller is to show the importance of the word "Film" (which is the genre of the magazine). The title is also located at the top of the cover, which is typically where they are located. When the rule of thirds is applied, it covers the top row which emphasises the importance of it. The gradient tool has also been applied to it, which adds a very pale blue colour - which is more evident closer to the top of the letters - which makes it look more intriguing than if it was purely white. 

There is a puff/incentive in the top right corner, promising a "free A3 poster". This encourages viewers to purchase the magazine in order to receive the promised gift. Underneath the masthead, the release date, issue number and price are listed. These are necessary pieces of information (especially price). Release date and issue number are primarily there for fans of the magazine so that they can keep track of which issues they have seen. The barcode is located in the bottom right hand corner of the page, this is because it is necessary for the magazine, but not necessary for the viewer. While it is in the bottom right corner, it doesn't affect the viewer (similar to release date and issue number for those who don't care).

The main image is of the main character from our film, it takes up a majority of the space. This is to show that the magazine will mainly focus on our film. It also synergises with the header bar "Special teen angst edition" as he is a teenager, and also the main cover line "Lonely life of a teenager" as he doesn't look too happy, whilst not looking sad either. This is a reflection of our film as it focuses on the struggles of teenage life rather than the stereotypical party life. He is also facing the front which makes it seem as though he is connecting with the viewer. In the background of the cover there is a building which is the school in which the film takes place, the opacity of it has been increased in order to make it look foggy, this uses pathetic fallacy (using weather and similar things to convey emotion) to create a sense of sadness and intrigue.

The left side of the page is mainly covered by various other coverlines in the form of names of various other teen angst films. The names of the films are in a white font, whereas any other information is in black. These contrast with each other and make it easy to tell what the name of the film is. The text alongside the names also fits with the names, for example: "Affliction" refers to pain and the text alongside it is ""An emotional story"". It is also in quotes which make it seem as though a reviewer has made the comment and therefore makes the magazine seem more professional. With "Gossip" the text reads "All the gossip on ..." which is intended to be somewhat funny which should appeal to the target audience of my magazine. "Busted" uses the word "Exclusive" which would encourage people to buy it as they will receive exclusive content that is unavailable anywhere else.

On the right side of the magazine, there is a series of pictures that are all arranged in the same order as the coverlines on the left side of the page (The first picture is affliction, etc.) and they have a border in the style of old film tapes, which clearly shows that the magazine covers film content. The pictures themselves feature characters from their film and a background relating to it.

Monday 3 July 2017

Re-Creation of Sherlock Holmes Total Film magazine and analysis

Re-Creation of Total Film magazine and analysis

                                  Actual cover                               My cover (without background)

                                               My cover (with background)

This magazine cover uses synergy with the main character and colours throughout the cover. The main image is a picture of Robert Downey Jr who is a very popular and well-known actor (this makes it easy to draw attention to the magazine as many people know and like the actor) wearing a dark blue jacket and matching shirt and trousers. The background of the cover is a scene of London and works well with the masthead "Sherlock Holmes" as the series is highly associated English culture and the city of London is key iconography for English culture. It is also a lighter shade of blue, this is to synergise with the main image and look appealing as a result of the ominous atmosphere created with the blurry filter, but not too much which allows the main focus to remain on the main image/feature which is the main selling point. The title (main feature) also functions similarly; it works in unison with the main image to attract attention as it is the name of a popular series and is also a blue colour in order to synergise with the main image. The feature stories also draw attention as they use simple - one word - but they contrast with the light part of background and the words suggest incentives such as: "Sneaky!" and "Extra!". They also use exclamation marks at the end which connotes a sense of importance. The main image obscures the masthead which is not a problem for a big producer such as "Total Film" as, a result of their popularity is recognisable iconography. The puff "10 coolest movies being made right now!" works similarly with to the feature stories where it eye-catching and enticing as it creates a sense of urgency for the consumer as they feel as though they need to purchase the product in order to find out about the 10 films.

The secondary images/puffs located in the top right of the cover aren't there to draw the attention of the viewers, their main purpose is to show that the magazine doesn't entirely focus on Sherlock Holmes. Their are also a wide range of genres (Sherlock Holmes - Thriller/Crime, Iron Man 2 - Superhero, Alice In Wonderland - Fantasy, Fantastic Mr Fox - Animated) which allows the magazine to appeal to a wider/mass audience and therefore sell more.

The barcode is in the bottom right hand corner of the cover, this suggests that it is not very important - which it isn't, apart from when buying it. It is probably the least enticing part of the cover, this is because it is not meant to be, the logo next to it however makes it even more off-putting as it doesn't work with the other colours at all. So even though the barcode is not meant to be appealing, I personally feel as though the logo attached to it makes the quality of the product slightly lower.