Monday 26 June 2017

Analysis of film magazine

Analysis of film magazine

This magazine uses recognisable iconography in the form of the three main characters in the Harry Potter series. Due to the fact that these characters are very popular and well-known, it results in a lot of attention for the magazine company - Empire. The masthead/title of the magazine is also fairly iconic as they are (one of) the biggest and most recognisable film magazine companies, this means that they have a following of loyal fans and this allows them to obscure their masthead due to the recognisability of it. It also allows the attention to be focused onto the main image of the three characters. The font used is very bold and contrasting to the colours used, for example: the bold red masthead is very contrasting, and therefore engaging, to both the white background and darker main image. In addition to the boldness and eye-catching colour a serif is used on the masthead which makes it look quite professional, but the main cover-line is sans-serif which makes it look smoother and separates it from the iconography of the masthead. Furthermore, all of the text is quite big (with the masthead being the largest, followed by the main cover-line, then other cover-lines, then the straplines and puffs, and finally the pugs) which synergises with the other features of the titles to draw more attention. I believe that there is also a reason for the different sizes of each convention and that is that the more important conventions are larger as they are what people look for in a magazine, the larger parts will attract the audience and then the smaller parts will persuade the consumer to buy the product.

The strapline "The perfect farewell" is very persuasive and effective in convincing the audience to purchase the viewer as it creates a suspenseful atmosphere as a result of the use of the enigma code which leaves the viewer's asking questions such as "What will happen", and the fact that the strapline suggests it is the end of something and the viewer will therefore be intrigued to find out what will happen. The puffs around the page (e.g. "The exclusive the world wanted") also entice the viewer as it persuades them to buy the product as they will be unable to view the exclusive content in any other magazine. The puffs are also spread out around the page work with the other conventions so that there is little blank space left which means that wherever they viewer looks there will likely be something to catch their eye. As with the puffs there are a number of other gratifications used to attract consumers, including: the promise of a "Free collectors' portfolio" and that it is the magazine's "Biggest ever exclusive".

Star power is another convention used, as the main image portrays the main characters from the Harry Potter series looking quite powerful (as a result of the use of a low angle on the three) which - when combined with the strapline - makes the whole thing seem more intense and therefore more appealing to some viewers. This also helps to portray the genre of the film and therefore what the magazine will mainly focus on. The USP (Unique Selling Point) of this magazine is probably the use of star power/main image, as Daniel Radcliffe (who plays Harry Potter) is a very popular and loved actor who is associated with his role in each Harry Potter film and the fact that he is centered (and therefore the main focus of attention) attracts the audience.

On the cover, the date, price and issue number are all located above the 'M', this is suitable for a large, popular magazine as the company will already have a following who will be familiar with this necessary information, and the information is still there so that newer viewers are still able to view the information. The barcode is the most visible piece of information - located in the bottom right hand corner and this is likely because it is the most important piece of information due to the fact that it is how the product is identified. Intertextuality is used with the various side features which state various other films including: "Super 8", "The Avengers" and "Real Steel". This is effective as it works well with the other eye-catching features which draw the initial attention towards the product, and then if the main product is not of interest to the viewer then the other side features likely will.

Altogether I feel as though this magazine is a very good cover due to the fact that is effective in both attracting an audience with various eye-catching visuals, and also being able to engage the reader with the main feature, side features multiple puffs. This makes it effective at communicating with the viewer. The main image constructs a positive, non-stereotypical representation of women as, even though she is off to the side (which is a negative stereotype, implying she isn't as important), another man is too. This implies that the character in the middle is more important than the both of them. The positive counter-type of women comes from the the low angle positioned on the three main characters which shows dominance, her face is also quite stern and serious which conveys a sense of determination - women are usually portrayed as being caring, not stern as this is usually associated with men.